Expanding Your Digital Presence

Once things start clicking, it’s time to take it further.

Class 10: Expanding Your Digital Presence - Conquering New Frontiers

Welcome back to Thinkk's startup scaling course. Today, we're diving into a game-changing aspect of modern business growth: expanding your digital presence. At Thinkk, we've guided countless startups through this exhilarating phase, and we're pumped to share our hard-earned insights with you.

The Platform Progression: From Focused to Omnipresent

Let's kick things off with a truth bomb: in the digital world, it's not about being everywhere at once; it's about being everywhere that matters. When you're just starting out, we at Thinkk swear by the "power of three" - focusing on no more than three platforms. Why? Because mastering a platform is like taming a wild beast - it takes time, resources, and a unique approach to get it right.

But here's where it gets juicy: once you've tamed those first three beasts, it's time to expand your menagerie. We call this the Platform Progression, and it's the secret sauce to digital domination. Here's how it works:

  1. Master Your Initial Trio: Let's say you've been killing it on Instagram, TikTok, and your blog. You're seeing follower counts skyrocket, engagement through the roof, and your KPIs are doing the cha-cha. That's when you know it's time to level up.

  2. Branch Out Strategically: Now's the time to add 2-3 more platforms to your arsenal. But here's the kicker - go niche. If you've been slaying short-form content on Insta and TikTok, why not conquer YouTube Shorts? Been networking like a boss on LinkedIn? Time to flex those skills on Toptal. Your blog's SEO game is strong? Launch a course and show 'em what you're made of!

  3. Go Deep or Go Home: As you spread your digital wings, don't forget to dig deeper. Enhance your website with client portals that make your users feel like VIPs. Turn those killer blog posts into a podcast that'll have commuters hanging on your every word. If you're in e-commerce, it might be time to play with the big boys on Amazon or even brave the world of brick-and-mortar.

The Omnichannel Odyssey: Surrounding Your Customers

As you continue to expand your digital empire, you're working towards the holy grail of marketing - the omnichannel strategy. This isn't just about being on multiple platforms; it's about creating a seamless, immersive brand experience across all of them. It's like setting up a web of awesomeness that your customers can't escape from (not that they'd want to).

Think about it - not all your potential customers are hanging out in the same digital haunts. By expanding your presence, you're essentially becoming the digital equivalent of that friend who somehow shows up at every party. Your brand becomes unavoidable, unforgettable, and irresistible.

Partnerships: The Art of Digital Symbiosis

Now, let's talk about one of the most powerful weapons in your digital expansion arsenal: partnerships. We see killer partnerships everywhere, from Lululemon teaming up with The Mirror to Kia joining forces with the NBA. But here's the million-dollar question: what makes these partnerships tick?

At their core, partnerships are about more than just getting more customers (although that's a pretty sweet perk). They're about creating a mental bridge between a brand people know and trust, and one they're just getting to know. It's like getting a popular kid to vouch for the new student - suddenly, everyone wants to be their friend.

Take Apple's recent hookup with ChatGPT. This isn't just two tech giants playing footsie. It's a brilliant move that gives Apple a slice of that sweet AI hype pie, while ChatGPT gets to bask in the glow of Apple's privacy-focused, premium brand image. It's a win-win that leaves both brands stronger.

But here's the real magic of partnerships: they help move your brand from the 'out-group' to the 'in-group' in consumers' minds. It's like getting an all-access pass to the cool kids' table. Suddenly, you're not just another brand vying for attention - you're part of the club. And let's not forget about cross-promotion. When you partner up, you're essentially saying to each other's audiences, "Hey, check out my cool friend!" It's a way to tap into entirely new customer bases without spending a dime on advertising.

But remember, the best partnerships are like the best relationships - mutually beneficial. If only one party is reaping the rewards, that partnership is headed for Splitsville, population: you. So when you're at the negotiating table, resist the urge to squeeze every last drop out of the deal. It's better to have slightly less favorable terms and a long-lasting relationship than to win big once and burn that bridge forever.

When you're on the hunt for the perfect partner, think complementary, not competitive. Imagine you're running a yoga studio. Partnering with a yoga mat company? That's a match made in Zen heaven. You're both serving the same crowd, but in different ways. Your services complement their product, and vice versa. It's like peanut butter finding its jelly.

Influencer Marketing: The Power of Digital Word-of-Mouth

Now, let's shine a spotlight on another digital marketing superstar: influencer marketing. This isn't just about slapping your product in the hands of someone with a blue checkmark. It's about harnessing the power of trust and personal connection in the digital age.

Here's the thing about influencers - they're not just people with followers, they're people with influence (shocking, I know). Their power lies in the fact that when they speak, their audience listens. It's like having a friend recommend a product, except that friend has thousands (or millions) of other friends who trust their opinion.

But here's where most brands get it wrong: they think bigger is always better. At Thinkk, we're huge fans of the micro-influencer movement. These are the folks with maybe a few thousand followers, but those followers are ride-or-die fans. They're not just mindlessly scrolling; they're actively engaging. And that engagement? That's marketing gold.

When you're scouting for influencers, don't get starry-eyed by follower counts. Instead, dive into the nitty-gritty of engagement. How many people are actually interacting with their posts? Are the comments genuine or just a sea of flame emojis? And most importantly, when this influencer recommends something, do their followers actually whip out their wallets?

Remember, an influencer with 5,000 highly engaged followers who match your target audience is often more valuable than one with 500,000 lukewarm followers. It's not about reaching the most people; it's about reaching the right people.

The Final Word: Your Digital Expansion Awaits

Expanding your digital presence isn't just about being in more places - it's about being in the right places, with the right message, at the right time. It's about creating a digital ecosystem where your brand isn't just seen, but experienced.

As you embark on this digital odyssey, remember: every new platform is a new opportunity, every partnership is a chance to grow, and every influencer is a potential megaphone for your brand. The digital world is your oyster - it's time to go pearling.

In our next class, we'll be diving into how to hire, manage and lead a high-performing team to meet the tidal wave of demand your expanded digital presence will generate. Until then, take a good, hard look at your current digital footprint. Where can you expand? Who can you partner with? Which influencers align with your brand? Your next phase of exponential growth is just a strategic move away. Let's make it happen!